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Three (3) daily newsletters: UK/EU, USA and Asia Pacific.   They include latest interesting and relevant curated, easy to digest, content of all types, for travel industry professionals relevant, including social media posts, competition/giveaway, jobs, podcast/videos, webinar/webcasts, and more…subscribe here.

  • Your email address may be misspelled or you may have changed email addresses since registering.  Login  and select Me > Settings to check that it contains the correct address.
  • Your email box may have been full at the time our newsletter was sent.
  • Your ISPs and email providers (i.e. Hotmail, Yahoo, Aol, etc.) may have misconstrued our newsletter as spam and intercepted your TravelMole newswires before they reach your inbox.  To ensure that TravelMole newsletter is not deleted or sent to the “junk” folder please add our Newsletter FROM email address domain to your list of trusted senders, your address book,  contact list (in your email software) and/or to your ISP/mail service’s white list.


We may have removed you from our subscription list, due to excessive bounces, which may have been caused by one of the following (or other) causes:

  • If your ISP or email service is experiencing problems at the time our newsletter was sent and was bounced back to us.
  • You have an email service (i.e. Minecast, Outlook, etc.) which rejected and/or refused to accept our newsletter and bounced it back to us.


If you have email problems please please ask your webmaster to investigate. Mean while you can go directly to to view current and past news stories.

You can unsubscribe, change and/or add to your subscriptions in the Newswire section of your profile. Travelmole publishes newswires covering several regional global markets (i.e. USA, UK/International, Asia Pacific, etc.) you can subscribe to simultaneously.

You may be registered more than once with different email addresses. Simply unsubscribe one of the email address by going to the Newswire section of your profile. Or, the email address to which the newswire is subscribed to is set to automatically send you and others a copy of the emails received (i.e. redirected emails). Check with your email administrator. If neither of these conditions apply, please forward both copies of the duplicates received to support [at] informing us of the problem and which email address you wish to still receive the newswires.

Using the site

Three (3) websites within one: consist of a UK/EU, USA and Asia Pacific website, each with unique content .   Switch between regions using top left  drop-down.


Contribute stories or commentaries:

Please let our editors know what you have mind.

To obtain permission please send contact our editorial team and let them know which article you wish to use and for what purpose.

News items are either produced by TravelMole in-house editors, republished by us under license from other content publishers, RSS feeds, social channels, or submitted by TravelMole subscribers and partners.

If you feel that any of the information presented is misleading, incomplete, irrelevant or great,  we certainly want to hear about it.  Please contact our editorial team.

Login / profile

You need to login or register only once.  Next time you visit, we recognize you from the cookie that we have created on your computer or smartphone; thus you need to have cookies enabled on your web browser for  Here is how to whitelist in your cookies for desktop browsers or mobile/cell browsers.

Without your cookie enabled for, our authentication system will not recognize who you are and continue to ask you to log in.


TravelMole requires you to update your basic profile information if it is missing (i.e. country, industry sector, etc.) if any approximately every 120 days. As our membership is free, along with many of the services and information available, we think this is a small price to pay for such a wealth of data. We ask that you support our partners and sponsors in order that we might continue to provide this free service.

No problem, just click here and complete the “Forgot my login” section, if you know which email address you are receiving the TravelMole newswires at, or if you don’t know, complete the “Don’t remember any of the above” section. By doing so, you can have your username and password sent to the email address you registered with. If you have have any other problems then email providing details of your query.

Our authentication system is case sensitive so be sure you are entering your details correctly. Also be mindful of spaces, full stops, commas, and the like. If you are still unsuccessful, please contact subscriber [at]

You can change all of your details (except login name) at any time by updating your profile.

Paid Featured premium directory listings

The price of each listing is clearly displayed on the “listing confirmation” page which is visible before you make a purchase. For volume listing contracts, please email sales [at]

Yes. We use the industry’s most secure payment system provided by PayPal, owned by eBay and Stripe.

Yes, before you access any chargeable document/service you will be clearly warned.

TravelMole does not store your payment details. They are stored in the industry’s most secure payment system provided by PayPal, owned by eBay and Stripe.

Credit card payments are almost instant. Please email account [at] for invoice billing, which is available only where a volume contract has been entered into with TravelMole.

If you are a credit card customer the listing will be made live within 24 hours, after our support team has checked the posting to be complete.

If you are an invoiced customer we need to set up your account initially, within 48 hours of TravelMole receiving your signed contract, your account will be active and any listing posted will be made live within 24 hours, after our support team has checked the posting to be complete, subject to maximum value of contract.


Here is how to whitelist in your cookies with Chrome, Firebox, Edge, or Brave browsers.

TravelMole ‘s authentication system places a small text file (a cookie) on your computer. Don’t worry it doesn’t contain any sensitive information. It does, however, allow us to remember who you are so you don’t have to log in every time you visit the site and which TravelMole default regional community website you selected (i.e. USA, UK/International, Asia Pacific, etc.).


Your region selection will be saved in your cookie for future visits. Please enable your cookie for so this dialog box will not come up again.

Our emails to you has bounced Or You can change your email from your profile Setting Section

Price Based Country test mode enabled for testing United States (US). You should do tests on private browsing mode. Browse in private with Firefox, Chrome and Safari